Scorching sunlight and pouring rain(once a day), it's daily routine.
Everything goes so slowly here, and I feel as if time has stopped. And sometimes afraid I've been forgotten in Korea...
I'll return next month, before Chuseok, I hope.
Take care of your health during summer. See you next time.

Commented by ホシノ=ルリ at 2007/08/24 20:22
영어라서 전체문장을 파악하기가 힘들지만 일단 추석때까진 돌아오시나보군요. 그 때 뵙도록 하죠.

Commented by NYturtle at 2007/09/02 23:15
Since last thursday, which is 8/30, Seoul is being really cool. The temperature has dropped dramatically. Frankly speaking, it feels like early winter. -_-;;
I'd like to here about what you've been doing there, so I'm looking forward to your-coming-back. Take care, and see you later.

'예전 글(~2008.11.) > 묵은 일기장' 카테고리의 다른 글

I'm back  (0) 2007.09.20
I return  (0) 2007.09.08
I'm alive!  (0) 2007.08.07
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